let title: String = "The future favors Swift"
let description: String = "Há alguns anos atrás, muito se ouvia coisas como 'Quem é esse tal de JavaScript que tem atraído todos os devs para seu universo pluralista e multiplataforma?' ou ainda 'Se você sabe JavaScript, você pode ir onde quiser!'. Então, vimos uma linguagem, originalmente proposta para uma única plataforma, tomar conta dos navegadores, servidores, mobile, sistemas embarcados e muito mais!"
let theFuture: String = description.replacingOccurrences(of: "JavaScript", with: "Swift")
React 16.x: Way Beyond Hooks
At the stage of the last ReactConf, Dan Abramov unveiled a new API for React called Hooks. And it's only part of the noise when new big features come all the "Should I refactor my whole app?" discussions. But besides hooks, you might have heard about other cool stuff like Suspense and Concurrent Rendering.
In this talk, we’ll look at how they fit together with other minor changes that have been recently announced and the expected timeline for their availability.
Rethinking your application in terms of state machines
In the React world, we have always been obsessed with how to manage state; Redux and MobX have been a popular choice, and with React 16, and recently released libraries, there are now even more options. But not a lot of attention has been given to state design itself.
To address this we can leverage the power of statecharts; a formalism for modeling stateful, reactive systems. In this talk, I'll share more on these and finite state machines, exploring how they can be a great tool to help you developing reliable components, understanding your application state and even communicating and collaborating better with non-developers.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Front-End Performance, 2019 Edition
There's a lot we can do to give our users a much better experience: preloading, prefetching, code splitting, common chunks, dynamic imports, service workers, web workers, JavaScript compile-time optimization and so on. Yet, in a world where all we hear is PWA hype driven development ™, how these different pieces of the web interact to bring our users a real meaningful better experience is often not well understood, explained or put in practice.
In this talk I'll explain how to ship way faster front-end bundles and share a few general data-driven techniques and performance patterns focused on three aspects: faster loading times, better performance and smarter mobile data usage.
The road for getting the last character of a string
Text is actually one of the hardest things in programming! At least when you actually care about anything besides “a..z”, and “0..9” — and if you speak a language other than English, or use emojis, you most likely do.
A simple thing like getting the last character of a string in JavaScript can be tricky. You might think: "Can't I just access the characters by index?". Well, it provides you access to UTF-16 code units, which are different from graphemes, which are different from characters, which are different from...
In this talk, we'll see that JavaScript doesn’t really have a concept of “character” and learn a little more about strings.