Natal Tech Conference 2019
Natal Tech Conference 2019
Natal-RN, Brazil
March 16, 2019
Venue: SEBRAE RN - Av. Lima e Silva, 76 - Lagoa Nova, Natal - RN
The Natal Tech Conference, in its first edition, shows up as the first english-only technology event of the Brazilian northeast.
It will take place on March 16th, 2019 in Natal-RN, with the purpose of encouraging the propagation of IT content in English among the community and reaching non-Portuguese speaking publics.
The talks should have at most 25 minutes of duration, with 5 more minutes for questions. They can approach any topic regarding Information Technology.
Only talks in English will be accepted.
For the submission process, choose a good title and strive to briefly describe the content of the lecture in order to facilitate its comprehension.
- To participate of the event the speaker needs to be in agreement with the Code of Conduct.
- We will contact all the selected speakers through email.
- Submissions deadline: 02/11/2019
- Disclosure of results: 02/18/2019
Code of Conduct:
Natal Tech Conference 2019
Natal-RN, Brasil
16 de março de 2019
Local: SEBRAE RN - Av. Lima e Silva, 76 - Lagoa Nova, Natal - RN
A Natal Tech Conference, em sua primeira edição, acontece como a primeira conferência de tecnologia do Nordeste a ser realizada totalmente em inglês. Ocorrerá em 16 de março de 2019 em Natal-RN, com o objetivo de incentivar a disseminação de conhecimento nesta, que é a língua franca da indústria da tecnologia e alcançar públicos não falantes da língua portuguesa.
As palestras devem ter o tempo máximo de 25 minutos com 5 minutos para perguntas e podem abordar qualquer tópico dentro da tecnologia da informação.
Serão aceitas palestras apenas em Inglês.
No processo de submissão, escolha um bom título e procure descrever brevemente o conteúdo de sua palestra, de forma a facilitar sua compreensão.
- Para participar do evento o palestrante precisa estar de acordo com o Código de Conduta.
- Entraremos em contato com todos os palestrantes selecionados via e-mail.
- Encerramento das submissões: 11/02/2019
- Divulgação dos resultados: 18/02/2019
Código de Conduta:
A Talk About Dogs: An Investigation of Dog Identification Based on its Pawprints
Why this is important or relevant? We already have microchips and there is no need to study further about this, right? Unfortunately it still is a problem.
The lack of existing technology for this matter forces people to resort to the use of microchipping, an indelible method that currently is known to cause the least damage to dogs' health. However, even though this method is the most widely diffuse for pet identification, researches show that the implant can cause some adverse reactions, such as soft-tissue sarcomas surrounding the chip area.
In order to look for a noninvasive and still useful method, this talk shows the possibility of using the dogs' pawprints as zoometrics. In other words, if the characteristics present in their paws can be used as identification information for a AI classifier algorithm, so that it can be scanned similarly as a human fingerprint.
"But where do I put my code?"
Despite being well known as an MVC framework, a question that has ever floated everyone's minds in Ruby on Rails' community is: Where do I put my code's logic? Where should this code be placed within my project?
In this presentation, we will track some of the solutions the community has adopted passing the years, explore some of the currently available ones, and how we got here.
Crawling the web with Python and Scrapy
This presentation will give you an overview of the open source library Scrapy. I'll present some examples from the simple use case to the more complex one. You'll see how is it possible to scale your spiders on the cloud and how to use highly available proxies distributed around the globe to archive your scraping goals.

Developing your first smart contract on Ethereum blockchain
These days, every single living being has heard of Bitcoin. Some of those know that Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency (crypto for short) and, within those, a few know that it runs on top of a technology called Blockchain.
It has existed for some years now, and there are many different blockchains. For crypto, their role is to provide a framework upon which one can execute monetary transactions in a verifiable, irreversible manner. But some of those blockchains provide extra funcionality: something known as a smart contract.
Basically, a smart contract is some computer code that runs on top of a blockchain (thus, it has cryptography-enabled credibility) that enforces some rules to be obeyed by the involved parties.
In twenty-five minutes, I will demonstrate how you can develop a simple (but valuable) smart contract from scratch: a payment manager, which can be integrated to your projects.

How to easily distribute your workload between machines with Python and Gearman
One of the greatest challenges with the modern computing technologies is the effective distribution and use of computing power. This is a relevant discussion when you bring computing-intensive tasks (such as data processing) and/or high-demand scenarios (such as having to keep up with a large number of simultaneous users) to the table.
If your mission is to setup a simple computer cluster to do work in parallel, the first barrier you'll face is the great complexity involved in designing a distributed system: load balancing, network and communication problems, scalability, etc.
Luckily, there are many tools out there that can reduce the burden of developing such technological solutions by taking care of the most challenging tasks. One of such is Gearman, which provides a generic, flexible mechanism for distributing tasks between a group of machines. Its practical distribution approach lets you scale up and make the most of your machines in a easy, straight-forward manner.
The aim of this presentation is to demonstrate how you can use Gearman to easily do work in parallel without having to know too much about the finer details of distributed systems design. We'll be wrapping a Python code for a Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) in a Gearman script (note: the focus will not be the CNN part).

How to interact with Ethereum blockchain in your python applications
These days, every single living being has heard of Bitcoin. Some of those know that Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency (crypto for short) and, within those, a few know that it runs on top of a technology called Blockchain.
This technology has boomed just alongside Bitcoin since the year 2008, and it is being used in many different sectors of society (having numerous examples worldwide): finance, industry, healthcare, energy, government.
Ever since then, the other technologies related to it are in a ever-changing state, with rapid development cycles, in such a fashion that it is hard to keep pace.
The aim of this presentation is to demonstrate how you can use the python's latest libraries to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. You will also learn how you can integrate a smart contract to a Python application: we will analyze a case study of a simple REST API built with Django 2.0.

How to Tech Lead
Put five super productive developers together and there we have a super productive team! Hm... Right? Unfortunately, this is not always the case.
Sometimes we spend a great amount of quality time hunting down bugs, doing reverse engineering on the solutions we have built ourselves and stressing over being repeatedly paged on some support tickets which only developers themselves could ever solve.
A good tech leader works to prevent this dystopian scenario from ever happening, while keeping the team as productive as it can get. Let's dive into this role and dissect what activites and capabilities are necessary for effectively tech leading a team.

How zabbix and bots helped me to maintain network availability
The unavailability of services/systems is a factor that can cause serious damage to a company, so it's essential to have an effective network monitoring. The purpose of this apresentation is to show not only the importance of proactive network monitoring, but also to present it's advantages, some monitoring tools and reveal how bots can help maintain the integrity of the network.
Progressive web apps done right
Progressive Web Apps - or just PWAs - have been some of the most practical ways to create good products quickly and intelligently, focusing on speed, customization, extensibility and promoting a great user experience. not about the concepts of PWA, Services Workers, Push Notifications and the articles of the latest packages of fashion rare, and the virtual wide web and the Web site.
PyLadies and Django Girls in Brazil: promoting diversity in the Python Brazilian community (or “How PyLadies Brazil became the biggest PyLadies chapter of the world”)
Initiatives concerned about gender disparity have been gaining strength internationally in recent years, and the Brazilian open-source community has stood out in the quantity and effectiveness of actions aimed at these projects, changing the scenario of our regional and national conferences and events. Here in Brazil, the largest country in South America, we also have the biggest PyLadies community of the world (in number of chapters), with over 30 chapters around the country. But how did we get here? How do we manage to have such a huge group of people working together and specially learning from each other to run our activities so organically? In this talk we will see that talk about our experience with PyLadies and Django Girls in different regions in Brazil, where we will summarize some of the history of the creation of PyLadies and Django Girls Brazil, how everything started and the path we follow to this day. During the talk, we'll learn more about how do we get ladies (and gentlemen) to work together for these changes to happen, also how the organizers of the chapters and workshops communicate in order to improve their routines and activities and finally the annual experience sharing meeting we have to gather people who represent the groups to brainstorm ideas of how to make our community better. It will be mentioned all the construction and exchange that takes place within our community and with the diverse communities that support us in the most various corners of the country, their particularities, difficulties and results.
React 16.x: Way Beyond Hooks
At the stage of the last ReactConf, Dan Abramov unveiled a new API for React called Hooks. And it's only part of the noise when new big features come all the "Should I refactor my whole app?" discussions. But besides hooks, you might have heard about other cool stuff like Suspense and Concurrent Rendering.
In this talk, we’ll look at how they fit together with other minor changes that have been recently announced and the expected timeline for their availability.
Rethinking your application in terms of state machines
In the React world, we have always been obsessed with how to manage state; Redux and MobX have been a popular choice, and with React 16, and recently released libraries, there are now even more options. But not a lot of attention has been given to state design itself.
To address this we can leverage the power of statecharts; a formalism for modeling stateful, reactive systems. In this talk, I'll share more on these and finite state machines, exploring how they can be a great tool to help you developing reliable components, understanding your application state and even communicating and collaborating better with non-developers.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Front-End Performance, 2019 Edition
There's a lot we can do to give our users a much better experience: preloading, prefetching, code splitting, common chunks, dynamic imports, service workers, web workers, JavaScript compile-time optimization and so on. Yet, in a world where all we hear is PWA hype driven development ™, how these different pieces of the web interact to bring our users a real meaningful better experience is often not well understood, explained or put in practice.
In this talk I'll explain how to ship way faster front-end bundles and share a few general data-driven techniques and performance patterns focused on three aspects: faster loading times, better performance and smarter mobile data usage.
The road for getting the last character of a string
Text is actually one of the hardest things in programming! At least when you actually care about anything besides “a..z”, and “0..9” — and if you speak a language other than English, or use emojis, you most likely do.
A simple thing like getting the last character of a string in JavaScript can be tricky. You might think: "Can't I just access the characters by index?". Well, it provides you access to UTF-16 code units, which are different from graphemes, which are different from characters, which are different from...
In this talk, we'll see that JavaScript doesn’t really have a concept of “character” and learn a little more about strings.

What is my superpower and why is it python?
This talk has the objective to show the Python language for those who doesn't know it yet, and also some awesome and very easy features that can be useful for everyone.
In this talk I will also present a tool that can insert journalists, doctors, historians, etc. into the world of technology. And the best, all that ONE import away! Python is beautiful.
For those who are already developers, you'll see how simple it is to turn complex scripts from other languages into just few lines almost from natural language. I hope everyone enjoy it!
Simple is better than complex

Would Arduino be the chosen one?
Since the past decade, the Arduino reached a high level of visibility on Maker's community. Before, projects were build using PIC microcontrollers, coded in Assembly language and needed a set of IDEs and hardwares to upload the code to the chip. Nowadays, the Arduino raised up the concept of DIY (Do it yourself) projects of this context, by reaching students, children and hobbyists, helping them to build projects in a easier way.
However, would Arduino be the only one that can influence the Maker's community? In this talk, it will be presented a set of other plattforms to build embedded systems projects, aiming the best performance and low costs.